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Updated August 21 2020


Welcome to! is owned and operated by Snow Educational Resource Associates, LLC. This website provides free materials and does not serve as a money-making endeavor. We freely serve people who are interested in practicing English through the Bible, and other resources that we provide. We strive to provide a healthy, spiritual, and social learning environment where participants may share thoughts and ask questions while respecting others.


By using the website and by participating in any online Events (prayer times, training, parties, etc.) and Classes conducted on or outside of this site, you agree to our Terms of Service, Code of Conduct, and Privacy Policy, referred to as “Terms” in this document. reserves the right to modify any of these Terms without notice.


As a participant, including Members (including but not limited to associate Instructors), of this website, you are responsible for knowing, understanding, and abiding by these Terms at all times. retains the right at any time with or without notice to deny access to materials, moderate participant participation, remove participants during and from classes or events to protect the spirit of these Terms but is not obligated to do so. As a participant, you should report comments, content, behavior, and any violation of these Terms or in the spirit of these Terms for the safety of the environment. We will do our best to counsel and/or remove violators of these Terms from Membership, classes, and events for the well-being of this community. Therefore, we ask that you report any violations of these Terms immediately by using the Contact Us form. Interpretation of content, communication, and conduct will be left to the sole discretion of You can report a participant by using the Contact Us form on our website.


Terms of Use


  1. All [TalkEnglish] material created by TalkEnglish are free to use, print, and distribute for legitimate educational use. Materials may not be reproduced online. Any online use must remain or link back to this website, unless expressed written permission has been given. Permission to change or translate these materials for redistribution must be given in writing. Permissions may only be granted by the Director of TalkEnglish and Snow Educational Resource Associates, LLC. 

  2. All information that you provide about yourself to this website or in online classes must be true, accurate, and not misleading. Legal names and correct emails are required for certificates and Membership. Profile nicknames for privacy are permitted and encouraged for your protection; however, you cannot impersonate another person.

  3. does not confirm or guarantee that the information provided by participants on this website is correct or authentic. 

  4. As the purpose of this site is to promote Biblical values, any sexual or impure content shared during classes may result in the removal of a participant if the content ventures outside of the scope of a discussion guided by the TalkEnglish program workbook.

  5. Sex offenders (convicted or non-convicted) are not permitted to use this site. Although we prohibit sex offenders from using this site, we do not conduct background checks on our participants. 

  6. The TalkEnglish workbooks, handouts, and TalkEnglish Pronunciation Teacher created by Snow Educational resource Associates, LLC/TalkEnglish provided through this site may be used and distributed freely for educational purposes. All other content from this site cannot be used without expressed permission.

  7. This site is not for professional or commercial purposes, other than services or products offered directly by or advertising approved by

  8. Participation on this site, including but not limited to the TalkEnglish online Events and Classes that use various web-based platforms not associated with, as well of the use of materials housed on this site, is at your own risk.

  9. Outside of forms housed on this site, no participant without expressed permission from  the Director of TalkEnglish is allowed to request or share the following information with another participant on this site during TalkEnglish Events and Classes conducted on web-based platforms not associated with TalkEnglish:  email addresses (personal, work, or other), physical addresses (home, work, or other), phone numbers (home, work, or other), social media accounts, your company name (where you work), names of religious institutions, links to other websites, and other information that would allow a participant to contact you directly or indirectly, lead you to a physical or virtual location, or meet with you in any way outside of this website or its associated Events and Classes.  This is for the privacy, safety, and protection of all participants. Under no circumstances should participants share at any time banking, financial, or credit card information; request  money, food, goods, or personal belongings from another participant met through this site; or sell products or services during Events or Classes. Such actions may result in the removal of your Membership or participation in Events and Classes with or without notice. Should anyone violate these Terms, you should contact us immediately.

  10. As a participant, you may not send money, food, products, or belongings to participants that you meet through this site. Likewise, no participant should receive money, items or goods, personal belongings from another participant met through this website. Such actions may result in the removal of your Membership or participation in Events and Classes with or without notice. Should anyone violate these Terms, you should contact us immediately.

  11. We are not liable for any harm or loss resulting from you giving out personal information, communicating with, or meeting online or in-person with another participant on this site or outside of this site.

  12. is powered by and is not associated in any other way with TalkEnglish Program is not responsible for the content or behavior related to, including any damages, injury, or death, including but not limited to viruses, disruptions, lack of service, and the like. Your participation on this website is an agreement that you will hold harmless from any issues related to

  13. While we do our best to provide a clean website, some situations are out of our control. will not be liable for any damages, injury, or death caused by any issues with this website, including but not limited to viruses, disruptions, lack of service, and the like related to any issues outside of the web host or not included as outlined above. Participation on with this site is an agreement that you will hold harmless from any issues related to this website.

  14. is not responsible for and does not endorse any content or comments provided by or behavior related to any participants of this site, including any damages, injury, or death. Your participation on this website is an agreement that you will hold harmless from any issues related to the behavior, content, or communication of participants or your association with other participants while on or off this website.

  15. We cannot protect any information that you share from being shared by others outside of this site by others, nor protect you from any consequences of what you share, this includes areas of the world where participation on a religious or Bible-based site is unlawful. Your participation on with this website is an agreement that you will hold harmless from your participation on this site, as well as the content shared on this site or during Events and Classes by you, us, or other participants of this site.

  16. Content provided by is provided in good faith and educationally based; however, we do not guarantee that the information is correct, authentic, complete, or up to date. Should you have any concerns about the content on this site, please contact us.

  17. may contain links to third-party sites and uses web-based platforms for Events and Classes. While these links and platforms are offered for your convenience, we are not responsible for or endorse the content or safety of these sites or platforms. Should you have any trouble with a third-party link or platform found on this site, please contact the third -party first to resolve your issue. If you continue to have trouble, or the problems is directly related to our site, please contact us immediately.

  18. Please immediately report any problems with this website including bugs. Any problems that you encounter on this website are unintended.

  19. Translation provided for this website is a service for your convenience only. We are not responsible for any translation errors of any kind, including translation errors found in these Terms. These Terms will be interpreted in standard English only.

  20. As a Member, you wish to close your account at any time, please contact us and we will disable your account. The Members program does not have an option for permanently deleting accounts.

  21. We will do our best to counsel and/or remove violators of these Terms from Membership, Classes, and Events for the well-being of this community; however, we cannot monitor participant communication or conduct at all times. For this reason, we request that participants report any violations of these Terms to us immediately. Interpretation of content, communication, and conduct will be left to the sole discretion of

  22. These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the United States and the State governing this website.



Code of Conduct

  1. Interpretation of content, communication, and behavior will be left to the sole discretion of

  2. strives to be a healthy environment for spiritual growth. Our policy is that all communication through this website, along with its Events and Classes, be encouraging and uplifting for everyone involved. While our site encourages open dialogue, our policy is that participants be polite and respectful to everyone in all situations. If you are uncomfortable with another person’s behavior or comment, please contact us, rather than handling the situation yourself.

  3. We ask that you avoid criticizing others, their countries, their political leaders, their beliefs, or their religion, and the like. While we welcome that you share your personal interests, this is not a forum for political discussions or strong opinions that may offend others.

  4. When offering interpretations to Biblical text, we encourage everyone to do their best to stay true to the text and/or spirit of the text discussed, even if personal opinions or beliefs differ.

  5. Interpretations regarding content in the Bible or on this website may vary among participants. Please be polite when sharing thoughts that may be different from others, including the content that you are studying.

  6. While using this site, we ask that you do not refer people to other websites, apart from other websites owned and operated by Snow Educational Resource Associates, LLC), or attempt to draw people away from what they are learning.

  7. Arguing, crude language, perceived rudeness, abuse, bullying, harassment, scamming, fraudulent activity, discrimination, as well as inappropriate, illegal, unauthorized, demeaning, as well as immoral or improper comments, content, usernames, nicknames, and the like are not permitted. This includes all spoken and written content, shared content, pictures, videos, and any uploads.

  8. Participants of this site are solely and legally responsible for the content they share, including intellectual property rights under the laws of the United States.

  9. You must not upload content with potential viruses, malware, or the like to our site.

  10. As a Member, you agree never to share your login credentials with another person. Do not allow anyone to impersonate you on our site.

  11. For security reasons, no participant is allowed to request or share the following information in any location of this site:  email addresses (personal, work, or other); physical addresses (home, work, or other); phone numbers (home, work, or other); social media accounts; banking, financial, or credit card information; links to other websites; your company name (where you work); names of religious institutions; requests for money, food, goods, or personal belongings, or the selling of products or services; and other information that would allow a participant to contact you directly, lead you to a location, or meet with you in any way outside of this website or its associated Events and Classes. 

  12. will only ask you for personal credentials required for Login, Member Account Set Up, Class Registrations, or other forms associated with this site. Offsite meeting platforms are used for online video-based Events and Classes and links will be provided for the classes. If you have any questions about information being requested of you, please contact us by using the Contact Us form.

  13. We advise that you not connect with participants online or in-person outside of this website or associated Events and Classes. Should you do so, you do at your own risk.

  14. We advise that you do not send money or belongings to participants on this site. Likewise, no participant should receive money, items or goods, personal belongings from another participant from this website. This website does not offer financial assistance or donations to any participants or organizations on this site.

  15. We recommend that you do not use this site for emergency contact of any individuals associated with this site.

  16. Any violation of this Code of Conduct may result in the removal of your Membership and/or participation in Events and Classes with or without notice. Interpretation of participant conduct will be left to the sole discretion of


Privacy Policy

  1. uses personal information for the purposes and activities associated with this website and only shares this information with third parties associated with this site, including (web host), other websites owned and operated by Snow Educational Resource Associates, LLC, and any web-based meeting platform used for online video-based Events and Classes. will cooperate with United States  government and local law enforcement  with requests for personal information as legally appropriate. All data is stored through, so please review their Privacy Policy for further information.

  2. To opt out of (web host) selling personal information, please click the link in the footer below that says, "Do not sell my personal information." This link is associated with, not

  3. While we make every effort NOT to communicate via email, participating in this website automatically enrolls you to receive communications from this website, which may include newsletters, event/class/training invitations, notices, updates, announcements, communication emails, email responses, certificates, and the like. You may opt out of communications at any time.

  4. If applicable, Membership on this website automatically enrolls you in notifications from activity on this site. To change or turn off notifications, please log into your account and update the Settings.

  5. Cookies are used for the proper functioning of this site and for the purposes of login. Third party cookies are associated with browser operations, site management, and social media.

  6. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us via the Connect Us form. 


Internet Safety Guidelines


These guidelines are designed to increase your protection on the internet; however they cannot ensure protection from all situations.

Your decision not to follow these guidelines is at your own risk.

  1. strives to provide a safe internet environment for all participants from any country. We strongly encourage participants to follow these internet safety guidelines, as well as any additional guidelines to protect your privacy.

  2. Our internal email system powered by is TLS encrypted. Responses will come from

  3. If your email or text system is unencrypted, please avoid using religious language when communicating through email or text.

  4. uses encrypted platforms for all Classes and Events. However, please be aware that we are limited to the encryption capabilities of all platforms we use.

  5. To protect your internet security, and its instructors will never share your contact information with other students without your permission. For your safety, we strive to limit student-to-student contact information sharing.

  6. We highly recommend using nick-names in your Class / Event profiles and recommend that you do not include your last name in profiles.

  7. Most of our Classes and Events are open to the public, unless otherwise noted. Please take the necessary precautions to protect yourself when using our site and associated platforms.

  8. If using video camera, avoid items in the background that suggest your personal information, i.e. city, name, family, etc.

  9. Use reliable anti-virus and anti-malware programs. Run these programs weekly and keep them updated.

  10. Clear you internet cache and search history weekly or more often. You can do this directly through your browser. If needed, be sure to select "All time" if you wish to remove all search data history. Some platforms, such as Google store your search history in your Account. You must access your account and go into each segment provided to remove data. 

  11. Change your Zoom password every 90 days.

  12. Keep your Zoom updated monthly.

  13. If you receive a Zoom Certificate error, remove your app, reinstall Zoom, or simply use the online version of Zoom.

For Highly Restrictive Countries

In addition to the guidelines above, we strong recommend the following guidelines for highly restrictive countries:

  1. Use a reliable VPN for all internet connections, including phones and mobile devices.

  2. Do not use your video during Classes or Events.

  3. Do not include your picture in your profile during Classes or Events.

  4. Use two-step verification on all platforms when provided. 

  5. Use an encrypted chat platform that does not download or backup data when connecting to, representatives, instructors, or other believers. (i.e. Signal*). Examples of platforms that download communication data into your phone are Whatsapp and Telegram - Learn more.

  6. Use a virtual phone number for all chat and phone platforms (i.e. TextNow*)

  7. Do not include your picture in any other platforms when connecting to or instructors.

  8. Do not give out details of your location or work, including city, school, or place of work.

  9. Clear your computer and mobile history daily, including emails and chats associated with our site or participants of our site.

  10. Set all chat apps to remove chats within a period of time.

  11. Do not store emails or chat histories on a cloud server. Check the Settings of all platforms to ensure that activity history is not stored.

  12. Do not mention the names of family members or other believers. Please use nick-names to refer to people.

  13. Avoid printing or downloading workbooks and materials provided on our site. Instead, use the resources online and take separate notes on your computer or in a journal.

  14. Do not link your Zoom to unsecure calendars.

  15. Do not use your full name in email addresses.

  16. We use Zoom as our platform because nothing is downloaded or stored on our system or your system by us during meetings. We also do not permit Zoom to record meetings. We cannot prohibit screen shots, so if you are concerned about this area of safety, then please keep your video off and do not include a profile picture of yourself. 

  17. Since microphones are required, we cannot protect you from voice recognition software. If you are concerned about voice recognition, please use voice alteration software.

  18. If you are facing religious persecution currently, please let us know.

* The mention of any products is not an endorsement, and will not be held liable for the behavior or safety of these products.


Accessibility is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability. We aim to adhere as closely as possible to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0, Level AA), published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These guidelines explain how to make Web content more accessible for people with disabilities. While strives to adhere to the guidelines and standards for accessibility, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website and we continually work toward achieving this. Should you experience any issues with the accessibility of this site, please contact us via the Connect Us form so that we may improve your experience.

Terms of Use
Code of Conduct
Privacy Policy
Internet Security

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