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Happy Girls

Want to Reach the Nations?

Serve with us!

For me Talk English Program is a program of life transformation, I don’t want to stop because now it is a family where I would like to serve as a volunteer.
- Haitian Pastor and Student

Through TalkEnglish, you can reach people from around the world with English and the life story of Jesus. Using your special gifts and talents, we can help you find a place to serve in this ministry. Whether it's teaching, making friends, sharing your faith, ministering to others, or helping us to build more English through the Bible programs to reach all people of all English levels, we can help you to make the impact on this world that you dream about in your heart.

Service Teams

TE Class - Pakistan.jpeg

TalkEnglish Basic Program 
Development Team

TalkEnglish is building a new basic English through the Bible program for Newcomers through B2 level English learners. This program will allow students to prepare for the Level 1 or Level 2 TalkEnglish conversation program and may be used even in the village areas around the world where there is no electricity or internet.

English does not need to be your first language! You can improve your own English vocabulary and grammar skills along the way.

Duties with your team include but are not limited to the following:

  • Build the vocabulary and grammar bank for Newcomers to B2 English learners

  • From Genesis to Revelation, design Bible study lessons to teach English through the Bible for the entire Basic program

  • Combine the vocabulary and grammar bank with the Bible studies to create lesson plans and workbooks for Newcomers through B2 English learners

  • Practice teaching and refining the lessons we create as a Team!

TalkEnglish International
Outreach Team

Do you love to make friends from around the world? Do you enjoy helping others to practice their English skills? Do you love connecting to people online? Join our international outreach team to help us reach our goal of sharing TalkEnglish and the Gospel message to all 249 nations!

English does not need to be your first language! You can improve your own English vocabulary and grammar skills along the way.

Duties with your team include but are not limited to the following:

  • Select a nation to meet people in person or online who are seeking to practice their English skills

  • Receive training and tools on how to have meaningful and spiritual conversations with the people you meet

  • Learn how to share your own testimony with others

  • Pray regularly with your team over the friends you meet

  • Introduce your friends to TalkEnglish, our online worship service, or to the Gospel

Apply for Serving

Required Skills for Service Teams

  • Heartfelt desire and patience to help internationals practice English and understand the teachings of Jesus

  • Intermediate to advanced English conversation level, strong grammar is a plus

  • Strong customer service skills, personable and outgoing, service-oriented 

  • Patient, flexible, and mild mannered

  • Christ-like attitude and behavior

  • Excellent listening skills

  • Professional, punctual, and dependable

  • Zoom app is required

  • Service-oriented

  • Willingness to learn and grow

Dress Code

For sensitivity to all cultures, please dress modestly. Nothing tight. Tops should fully cover shoulders and lower chest.


If you are interested in volunteering with us, please copy and paste the questions below 

into the Message box on the Contact Us page of our website and include your answers.

Please know that we are not looking for perfect people, but we want to make sure

that you will be happy and comfortable volunteering in the position you have chosen.

If you are selected for a Zoom interview, we will contact you within 2 weeks of your application. 


Unfortunately, we may not be able to respond to your application if you are not selected. We apologize for that,

but we encourage you to try teaching TalkEnglish for a while on your own and then try again another time. 

Please answer all questions, as incomplete applications will not be considered.


Thank you for applying!


Have your read and do you agree to follow our Terms of Service, Code of Conduct, Privacy Policy, and Internet Safety Guidelines? 

(Please read all of our Terms before completing this application)

Have you read some of the TalkEnglish lessons and the Appendices A-C?

(We recommend that you do this before applying as a volunteer)

Have you participated in TalkEnglish classes or our online worship?

(We recommend that you do this before applying as a volunteer)

Before applying, please read our Statement of Beliefs at

I am applying for the following service position(s): Please select from the following options:

  TalkEnglish Online Class Instructor (see Instructor page for training)

  TalkEnglish Basic Program Development Team

  TalkEnglish International Outreach Team

  Other (i.e. independent projects) - Please specify

Have you read the qualifications for the position(s)? If not, please read the qualifications.

First name:

Last name:


Country born:

Current country:

I am 18 years of age or older:


Native language:

Other fluent languages:

Why do you want to volunteer with TalkEnglish?

Why do you want to serve in the area(s) you have chosen? What do you want to learn?

How would you describe your level of English?

What are you currently doing to study English?

Do you attend a church?

   If yes, which church?

   How long have you attended this church?

   Church website:

   Direct church leader's name:

   May we contact this leader? If no, please explain:

Are you a student?

   Academic level (high school, college, masters, PhD)

   Major (if applicable):

Are you working?




   Number of years with company:

Are you a Christian?

   If so, how long have you been a Christian?

   How did you become a Christian?

   In what ways have you been "born again" as a Christian?

Describe your current walk with Jesus. What do you do daily or weekly to stay close to Jesus?

Is regular confession and accountability with other believers part of your walk with Jesus? Explain.

(For Instructors and Worship Facilitators): TalkEnglish is a discipling ministry. How comfortable are you being discipled

   and discipling others? Describe your experiences with discipling.

In what ways do your beliefs differ from the church you attend?

How comfortable are you in answering questions about the New Testament? Explain

How comfortable are you in answering questions about the Old Testament? Explain

Describe any Bible teaching/mentoring experience you have had.

Describe any English teaching/tutoring experience you have had.

​Describe any other teaching/tutoring/mentoring experience you have had.

In what ways do you or have you volunteered for your church or a ministry in the past 5 years?

Describe a time when you were counseled at a job or in a ministry. How did you respond? What did you learn?

How often do you share Bible verses with others?

Describe how sharing your faith in Jesus is or is not a part of your life.

Have you ever worked or built friendships with internationals? Explain

Are you interested in fundraising support for your position?

How many hours a week or month can you serve? Please include days and times.

How long do you think you can serve (1 month, 6 months, 1 year, etc.)?

What questions do you have for us?

Please provide one additional professional or personal reference (i.e. supervisor, ministry leader, close friend):


Thank you for applying as a TalkEnglish Volunteer!

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